Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Sea Themed Creativity

Last week I attended a crochet meeting at Sadu House where we were asked to make seashells and sea themed items for a large scale installation next month.
Everyone grabbed their yarn of choice from the baskets provided and set to work right away.
At the end of 2 hours, we had a nice collection started.
When I got home I continued to play around with shapes, color and patterns.
And had fun photographing it all, too.
This morning I will be delivering my finished pieces to Shelby who is organizing next month's weaving stories event.

I didn't actually get as much done as I would have liked.  I have so many projects on the go all the time that it's hard for me to focus on any one thing for long.  I know many of you can relate.

Joining with Kathy for Creativity Wednesdays.
Creativity Wednesdays
Creativity Wednesdays with Kathy at Hummingbird Woodland Studio
Have a wonderful day,


Hindustanka said...

Hi Tammy.. Oh I love your sea collection! How wonderful that one hook can create such variety of shapes.
I do relate to what you said: I also now stopped my blanket for a while as I am preparing for Halloween. Very difficult to dedicate time equally to all the projects we want to make when time is limited...hehe

Linda P said...

I've enjoyed seeing your sea-themed crochet pieces that you made for the installation at Sadu House. Lovely photos of them together with the shells etc. that inspired them. It's satisfying to be working on a group project such as this as well as your personal crafting.

kathyinozarks said...

Oh wow Tammy I love everything! Would love to see the final result. I think bouncing around with different crafts keeps us motivated at least that is my excuse lol thank you for joining in

Mini said...

Oh I love these. How I wish I could crochet and make these wonderful things you make.

Thistle Cove Farm said...

What creative, brilliant minds! All those are beautiful and perfect for your project.

Carol said...

Some interesting sea shapes there and can't wait to see what you do with them all.

Bee Lady said...

I saw those on Instagram and I just love them. There are so many fun things that could be done with them!

Cindy Bee

Linda said...

I love all of this!! So cute and creative. :)

Barbara said...

Beautiful crocheted seashells! I can't crochet, but I did knit a whimsical sand dollar once.

Beca said...

It sounds like fun to whip up something creative like that. Fun collection.
xx Beca

Preeti said...

Your theme of sea collection was very interesting and the shapes you all made are very pretty!!

Sugar Lump Studios said...

Tammy~ you are amazing! what a clever clever lady. I love all the shapes (and am jealous about crochet). Beautiful!
My son is on your side of the map now...working in Dubai for a few months.

Betsy said...

I am so impressed with the beautiful sea themed items in the collection. You are so talented my friend and so giving of your time. I can only imagine what the final group of items that everyone makes will look like. Amazing!

Createology said...

What a super fun activity. Looking at Sea themed items and re-creating them in yarn is amazing. I love the pieces created. Your crochet talents are really extraordinary. I look forward to seeing the final display.

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

Wow! Every piece your crocheted. They are perfect and so pretty!

Kit said...

These are incredible! They make me smile. I think my favorite are the sand dollars.:) Kit

Teresa Kasner said...

Oh Tammy.. I'm just thrilled with the sea life you created from yarn and hook! And you're right.. it fits right in with my glass floats and sea shells and coral that Kristi brought home. You're amazing! ((hugs)), Teresa :-)

mamasmercantile said...

What a great collection, they are all beautiful. I loved the way you photographed them along with the original. Stunning.

Maya Kuzman said...

Oh my goodness~ I am completely in awe and admiration and love of your sea collection!

Julia @ Vintage with Laces said...

Your sea themed crochet pieces are beautiful, Tammy! I would love to see pictures of the finished installation.
Have a great weekend!
xo Julia

Quinn said...

Such interesting creations! I especially love the way the starfish look so...starfish-y :)

Summer said...

All these are so pretty ♥

~*~Patty S said...

What a brilliant theme to explore with yarn!
Lovely creations.
Hope you can share some photos of the installation at Sadu House.

Oliva Ohlson said...

WOW...all so lovely and adorable! I love the sand dollars...actually all! I can't wait to see the installation. I'm curious to see what it is!

Lorrie said...

Oh, how pretty those sea-themed crochet items are. Such creativity in yarn!

Mariette VandenMunckhof-Vedder said...

Dearest Tammy,
You did have the perfect yarn color and thickness for creating all these unique sea themed pieces.
Even looking more unique once laid out with some real shells and such; colors matching perfectly!
Yes, such work does give you lot of satisfaction and it is very rewarding.
Sending you hugs,

Jodiebodie said...

Hi Tammy

Those baskets of yarn look so inviting - they make me want to dip my hands in and have a go as well!

Your crocheted sea-themed pieces looks so great arranged with the real life shells and such. You have an artistic flair.

As for sea themes, did you see one of my recent blog posts about art exhibitions? There were some gorgeous little hermit crabs made with basket weaving techniques and yarn wrapping but they are a lovely little inspiration for something similar in crochet. The blog post is here in case you missed it:

I look forward to the next instalment of your Sadu House project. Wonderful work so far. I am sure the facilitator appreciates your contributions very much.

Gracie Saylor said...

This Saylor greatly admires your sea themed creativity, Tammy! I am one who appreciates having many creative projects on the go. Even when a project does not turn out as I hoped or takes me forever to complete, I love the challenge of creating! Thanks for postingxx

Meredith said...

I love them all, especially the sand dollars. The entire installation is going to be amazing.

Jennifer Hays said...

These sea-themed crochet pieces are really fun. I love the jellyfish especially, how cute. My daughter loves sea animals and has always been taken by the sea jellies when we go to the aquarium. We always look for sea-themed stuffed animals for her but I never thought of crocheting them, I will have to keep it in mind!

Diane said...

After you look at these creations a bit our eyes can't tell the real from the created. Nice work. Diane

The History Anorak said...

Those are gorgeous. I love shells and pebbles and your yarn versions are delightful!

Helen Philipps said...

Wow! Fantastic sea themed makes Tammy! They really do look good and it is going to be an amazing sight when the installation is completed, I am sure. Happy new week.
Helen xox

SusanLotus said...

Hi Tammy!
I hope all is fine with you.
Changes in life is always hard
in the beginning. But fortunately
it tends to be very good again.

You little pieces of Art makes me smile.
Makes me feel like I was sitting by the sea somewhere.
Beautiful choice of colours on the yarn.

Have a nice week!

Poppy said...

Very impressive, Tammy! Your collection of sea sweeties made me smile! Lovely complements of shapes and colours and patterns!

Have a wonderful week!

Melanie said...

Very pretty and creative!

Sam I Am...... said...

Oh, Tammy.....those are all gorgeous! Did you have a pattern or do you just 'create'? You are so talented....and yes I can relate to having lots of projects on the go! LOL! Have a great week!

Yesteryear Embroideries said...

Just so wonderfully lovely! They are all gorgeous!

Serena Lewis said...

I love these! So clever!

Dagmar said...

What a beautiful collection of shells..they are lovley, looking forward to seeing what the entire collection will look like.

Draffin Bears said...

Hi Tammy,

How very creative and I love your collection of sea life.
I am there with you, having so many things on the go and don't know which to complete first.
Hope you are enjoying your day

baili said...

amazing and very pretty

Blondie's Journal said...

These are precious, T! I love the colors of your yarn...a little 'dusty' and muted as opposed to the really bright colors you usually see with beach decor. Love each and every piece! Not sure how you ladies are using them. Did I miss something in the translation? Meeting up together sounds lovely. Good for you.

Thanks so much for your comment on my new job. I'm very excited. I'm checking to see if the newspaper can be viewed online. I love everyone's support. We are a great community!


podso said...

How sweet and clever these are! Well done. My grandson asked yesterday if I could make him a dinosaur shaped blanket. Seeing these, I guess I could. :-)

Optimistic Existentialist said...

Your creativity amazes me beyond belief!!

♥●• İzdihër •●♥ said...

Lovely patterns.

Hi there, your new follower.
Follow each other.

Gillian Roe said...

These are really beautiful. I love the organic, free form shapes and the muted colours, and they look impressive all laid out together. x

Folkways Note Book said...

Very creative project -- Nature inspires us -- barbara

Lizzy D said...

The sea creatures and shells are wonderful! I hope you can show us the installation when it s ready for viewing.

lizzy at gone to the beach...

Kit said...

I hope everything is okay! Miss you! Kit

Donna said...

These are brilliant - all so beautiful! You truly have a gift. Thank you for your kind words about the newest addition to our family - little Ms. B 'Midgie' Cocoa Bean! I can see that you and I are kindred spirits when it comes to adopting from shelters and pounds!

SolakHanim said...

Hi, Tammy! Wonderful collection, İ liked it so much! And may be you ll want to look at my new blog about hand make toys and DIY. Kind regards

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