You know how sometimes you want breakfast food for dinner? Foul (prounounced "oo" not "ow") medammes is a popular Middle Eastern dish that is prepared for breakfast but can really be eaten at any time of day. Cooked fava beans and chickpeas are roughly mashed and seasoned with salt, garlic, lemon juice and olive oil.
Then topped with chopped tomatoes, onions and parsley. I like to eat it with slices of green pepper. And, of course, hot pita bread is a part of most Arab meals.
I appreciate all the comments on yesterday's post with regard to housework. A friend gave me a plaque that says "A clean house is the sign of a wasted life."
On day two of the routine, I will just do a bit of dusting in the kids bedroom.
And then it will be time to don pajamas and do some crafting. Just doing a little bit of both each day will certainly help to keep me sane.
Hope your week has gotten off to a great start. Best wishes and blessings, Tammy
Foul sounds like my kind of dish! Yum!
Looks like good food to me. With it getting cooler here I am starting to crave soups with beans in them. Watching Aiden today and Beth's boys are spending the night as she is having some surgery today.
Dearest Tammy,
Oh, after each trip I fight this getting back into routine for quite a while. Administration first and dust last... Why is there such a punishment for having been away?! Laundry piles up and everything else. Shopping for stocking up the fridge etc.
Glad I had my 16 blogs pre-written, at least that was something going on while I was away. Also the emotional part of letting go of Mom & Dad and Pieter's brother. Hugging them goodbye might have been a forever goodbye... But life goes on!
Love to you,
Looks delish! I have become a huge fan of chick peas since bcoming a vegie but have yet to try fava beans. I'll have to put them on my shopping list. Now to have some homemade warm pita bread... yum. t. xoxo
Your meals are always so interesting.
Glad to hear that outside kitty is responding to your voice. How sad that it's been neglected....but fortunate that it wound up on your patio!
Are you thinking about trying to get it to the vet or is that too precarious?
Hi Tammy,
That medammes dish looks delicious. I love fava beans, and chick peas are a staple here at my house. I must try this. In reference to your last comment on my blog, we don't have any parks near us in Texas either. I can also relate to it being too hot to enjoy being outside. Such a pity, right? The only time the kids can hang out outside is at dusk...just in time for the mosquitos! UHHH! :)
Hi Tammy, It sounds very rich, I think I would try it, it has basic ingredients that make a delicious combination, greetings. Rose Marie
that dish does sounds tasty. I love the bags you are making...and the thought of being in my pjs :-)
Hi tammy!I love the tomato picture lol.I cannot seem to like chick peas.They have them in greek hummus and thats the only greek food I cant eat because I dont like the taste with those chick peas.
Oh I cant believe your still in 110 degrees,but I guess it goes with being in the middleast.I dont think it changes much over there.
Have a nice week,keep cool and keep kitty cool too!
You make me hungry! :)
I agree with that saying. I don´t want to spend all my time dusting and cleaning. Just a little, very little LOL, each day is enough for me. I wish you a wonderful week too! :)
Foul medammes sounds delicious! I'll try it for sure. Fava beans are called 'broad beans' here and, while I hated them as a child, I love them now.
That first picture is BEAUTIFUL!
Good luck with your routine....even small efforts all add up to a job well done ~ :)
Oh my goodness, does that dish look good. I have to try that. I know what you mean about trying to put a routine together ... I'm doing the same while cleaning out closets, etc. I figure if I get something organized everyday I'm ahead! Its a good feeling, then I can rest easy and enjoy the crafting as well. Have fun! Blessings.
Thanks for stopping by. I read your post of fall in the desert. We too are still over 100. We've had a few days where the early morning was a little cooler. We are hoping DH is healthy enought to travel to Kentucky in October. Weather should be nice there.
I'm glad your schedule includes some time for crafts and dusting!
Ooooh... the 'foul' sounds so yummy... I will have to try it...
Dusting is easier to do without my glasses on!!
that looks and sounds wonderful! You know I always enjoy your recipes and this is no exception - easy, filling and meatless! My kind of meal :-) Thank you!
The bean dish sounds good, Tammy. Hope it's cooling down there a bit. Take care and have a fabulous day. Susan
Interesting dish! Sounds like something I would enjoy. Appreciate you sharing it with us.
I read your previous post and I too need help with my schedule for cleaning.
Good luck with your routine...your bedroom is lovely
Okay. I love the MeatLess and just might try this combination out!
And I love how you say a little bit of both keeps you sane! I am the same way! Learning to strike a healthy balance between work and fun can be challenging, especially if youre a perfectionista! But having kids helped me out in that aspect, and I think I'm pretty good now!
I want to read your previous post now....ciao!
Hurray!!! I Love that quote on housework!!! and thanks for sharing thedish, Tammy!!! I love dishes with beans...gotta put this on my list of cooking experiments...ha ha...have a good week dear one!!
Looks wonderful! I agree on housework! blessings,Kathleen
I love the pillows...did you make them? Is that tapestry crochet? They are lovely. :)
Sounds like a great recipe.
Hi Dearest Tammny, I saw your food-photos - and now I am hungry!!! Hmmm....
Warmes hugs, Traude
Love the jammies
idea! I like to
reward myself with
creative time after
I've taken care of
my household management
chores : ) Works best
to break it into chunks
for me, too....
xx Suzanne
PS: Loved your horse
stories! Tried to e-mail
back, but your e-mail is
not enabled on Blogger.
I love tahina and houmous... I'm sure I'd love that dish too! I have a feeling I'd be perfectly happy being vegetarian... but no luck around here with 4 males aged between 8 and 46!
And I agree completely with that saying ;) a bit cooler around here these days, hope it's getting easier to handle there too!
Love the plaque from your friend! LOL! Foul looks delicious!! While we are not vegetarian, we love any kind of vegetables and legumes. Healthy and tasty.
Tammy, I love those pillows in the last two photos! Very cute. Did you do all of them? Kudos on sticking to your plan! blessings ~ tanna
Okay, I think the top one is a wall hanging?? Love 'em.
Hi Tammy,
Why is it that it is always so easy and lovely to sit down to do some crafting, but harder and seems to take ages cleaning the house?
Such a lovely thought of sitting in your pyjammas and doing some craft work.
Love the wall hanger and the crocheted cushions.
Happy day
Staying in your pajamas and crafting sounds like a perfect day to me!
xo Catherine
Tammy, housework is not my top priority! I agree with you - I need to be creative every day! If not, I feel out of balance and I get stressed. I think most of us can relate. Have a nice week! Twyla
I laughed to see your meatless Monday recipe today. I made a huge pot of foul this past weekend to keep in the fridge for those days when I am looking for a quick dinner. Omar did a lot of foul this summer during Ramadan when he was here by himself.
Good for you for getting a bit more housework done. I am glad to see you are finding a balance between getting the work done and finding time for the good stuff!
Love the new music. Adele is amazing!!
Have a good Wednesday, my friend!!
Hi Tammy- Your recipe looks like the perfect dish for me! Extra tomatoes on mine please! Thanks for sharing - you always make the best food!
Foul medammes looks tasty. Silly question... how different are fava beans from lima beans. I googled it and some say very different some say similar and interchangeable. Would it be unheard of to substitute lima beans in this recipe?
Fun stopping by and learning new things while visiting with you!
Hi Tammy
Jingles looks like a bit of a character!! I'm sure
Hope the heat is not too bad for you ... thanks so much for popping in my way.. yes it was great being in Normandy and the rest of my trip.. sad to be home.. Glad you had a great time in Paris..
ciao xxx Julie
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