As predicted, it was a very rainy day.
The street I normally walk down in the afternoon was flooded so had to go a different direction.
Didn't really think there'd be many kitties out after the stormy weather but they were all waiting as usual in their regular spots, even some new ones I don't recall seeing before.
In the past, I would have chosen not to walk because of how messy it is after the rain, but didn't want to mess up my walking streak.
Peace out.
So glad you didn't break your routine!! You go girl!!! Loved the refections and the kitties. Funny, we had rain last night and sure enough my "resident" kitty showed up and slept for a while in one chair, and this morning had moved the the other one. Think it's feeling pretty much at home..HaHa
Good for you for walking anyway! We ended up with about 5 inches of rain last night and today. A little less than what was predicted but plenty for me. :-) I stayed cozy inside all day. In fact, I wore my jammies all day, which I never do unless I'm really sick. I got lots done around here but without any pressure to go anywhere. Now it's really cold, -11F and supposed to be colder over the next week. Bundle up weather.
I love to walk after a good rain-things are fresher! Nice photos of your walk! You have a good eye for things!
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